Do’s and Don’ts for Canada Study Permit 2024

Do’s and Don’ts for Canada Study Permit 2024

Manmeet Kaur Manmeet Kaur
[Published 12 Jan, 2024 | 12:15 PM]
About Author - 6 min read

Canada has been a student favorite for years, thanks to its high quality of life, multicultural environment, and better job opportunities post-study. However, international students who are planning to study in Canada in 2024 might find applying for the permit a bit challenging as the immigration ministry has tightened student visa rules. To make sure your application does not get rejected, it’s crucial to scan through the do’s and don’ts for the Canada Study Permit before you apply.

Apply for a Canada Study Visa


Use the new study permit application form

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has introduced a new version of the Canada Study Permit application form – IMM1294 on December 1, 2023. So, when you are filling out the study visa application through the IRCC account, ensure to use this new form as older ones are no longer accepted.

Show Proof of Funds

International students who wish to study in Canada need to show proof of funds to the Canadian authorities. This shows you have enough money to:

  • Cover your tuition fees
  • Cover your daily expenses – transportation, groceries, etc.
  • Cover the cost of transportation to fly back to the home country after completing studies.

The cost of living in Canada has increased over the years, therefore Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada revised the costs recently. So, if an international student applies on or after January 1, 2024, they have to show CAD 20,635 -in addition to their tuition and travel costs. Earlier, this cost was CAD 10,000.

Read also on Quora:- How many days does it take to get a biometric email after submitting a Canadian study visa file?

Obtain Work Permit for Co-op Courses

A co-op term is simply hitting two birds with one stone. Meaning that you can work in your field of study while studying full-time. If your program has a co-op term, you must meet the requirements and apply for a work permit.

Attach a Statement of Purpose with your application

Thousands of students apply for Canada student visas from India every year. So, to make it easy for the authorities to know you are eager to study at their institution, you need to attach a short essay explaining and highlighting why you chose them specifically. While writing an SOP, make sure to include:

  • Your academic background and achievements.
  • Any personal experiences that made you study that specific program?
  • Skills you acquire over the years that you can apply to your studies.
  • Your plan after completing your studies in Canada.
  • Your intention to return to your home country after completing studies.

Attach a Statement of Purpose with your application

Make Copies of Important Documents

Another important “do” for Canada Study Permit 2024 is to make copies of all your important documents. Have a separate folder dedicated only to essential documents like a Letter of Acceptance, English language test results, and identification papers. When travelling to Canada, have your documents folder in your carry-on bag and not checked-in luggage to avoid misplacement.


Don’t Submit Incomplete Documents

If you do not wish to have your application rejected, don’t make the mistake of submitting incorrect and incomplete documentation. Double or triple-check all the documents to make sure you have everything you need. Some important documents include:

  • Letter of Acceptance (LOA) from Designated Learning Institution (DLI)
  • Proof of Identity
  • Proof of Funds
  • Statement of Purpose (SOP)
  • Travel history
  • Other personal documents

Don’t attend your interview unprepared

  • A Canadian immigration offer takes an interview of international students as a part of the Canada Study Permit process. And you must not come unprepared as it may lead to permit rejection. You might not know what they are going to ask, but you can at least prepare yourself for commonly asked questions, including:
  • Why did you choose Canada to study?
  • Why did you choose your program?
  • How are you planning to fund your tuition and living expenses?
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Don’t tell the Immigration Officer that you intend to stay in Canada

After completing their studies, international graduates have an option to apply for a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) program. If that is what your plans are after graduation, you do not have to tell the officer. You must respect the visa rules set for Canada Student Visa. It is best to inform them that you intend to return to your home country after your studies are complete.

Don’t wait till the last minute to apply

Procrastination might be the last thing you want when applying for a Canada Student Visa. You have to start your application early – at least six months before your program starts or when you receive your Letter of Acceptance. This gives you enough time to gather complete documentation and fulfill any requests made by the authorities.

Canada Study Visa Approval in Just 20 Days

Following this list of do’s and don’ts makes the application process smoother, letting you avoid unnecessary mistakes. If you are eyeing the Canada Study Visa in 2024, it is best to talk to the best immigration consultants in Bangalore at Nationwide Visas. They aim to provide top-notch services, including documentation assistance, visa filing, and SOP writing, and help you settle post-arrival in Canada.

Read more on Quora: Which documents are needed for a student visa application for Canada?


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