Saskatchewan Entrepreneur Program

The Saskatchewan Entrepreneur Stream is for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to establish and run their businesses in the province of Saskatchewan. This program allows applicants to get a nomination from the province of Saskatchewan. Once you receive the nomination you can ultimately apply for permanent residence to the federal government of Canada.

The candidate has to meet certain eligibility requirements to be able to apply for this entrepreneur stream. However, meeting the minimum eligibility criteria does not guarantee the applicant receives an Invitation to Apply. Each candidate gets evaluated through a point-based score system (that goes maximum of up to 160 points). The evaluation depends on multiple factors such as the candidate’s age, education, amount of investment, the business concept plan, etc. The SINP consistently conducts draws, and each candidate that scores above or equal to the draw's threshold is invited to apply.

It is important to note that the Entrepreneur Stream is not aligned with the Express Entry Program, hence the time taken for processing is usually longer than the 6-months time period taken under the Express Entry Program.

What are the Minimum Eligibility Criteria to apply for the Saskatchewan Entrepreneur Stream?

For Applicants:

  • Net worth: The candidate should have a net worth of $500,000 CAD. The net worth should be verified by a designated third-party service provider. The claimed net worth should be demonstrated through legal means.
  • Work experience: The candidate should be able to demonstrate at least 3 years of entrepreneurial working experience in the last 10 years.
  • Investment: A minimum of $300,000 CAD should be invested in the proposed business plan by the applicant in Regina or Saskatoon. If the candidate chooses any other community in Saskatchewan the minimum investment should be at least $200,000 CAD.
  • Working knowledge of Business Plan: The candidate should demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of his or her proposed BEP (Business Establishment Plan)
  • Equity ownership: If the investment to be made is less than $1,000,000, the applicant should own at least one-third of the equity of the proposed business.
  • Intend to reside in Saskatchewan: The applicant should reside with their dependents in the province of Saskatchewan only.
  • Business Performance Agreement: Once the SINP application is approved, the candidate should sign a Business Performance Agreement with the Government of Saskatchewan in order to receive a nomination.
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For Businesses:

  • The business should have the potential to contribute to the upliftment of the economy of Saskatchewan.
  • The business should be operated with the primary motive of generating profits through the sale of goods or services.
  • The business should be a "permanent establishment" of the Canadian Income Tax Regulations, 1985.
  • The business should meet all the legal requirements of the community in which it is to be established and operated.
  • The proposed business can be a Sole proprietorship, a corporation, or a partnership.

The following is a list of inadmissible applicants and kinds of businesses:

Ineligible Applicants

  • Are refugee claimants in Canada;
  • Are living illegally in their country of residence or in Canada;
  • Have had a removal order issued against them by IRCC or Canada Border Services Agency;
  • Are prohibited from entering Canada;
  • If any dependent family member, accompanying or not have a serious medical condition;
  • If any dependent family member, accompanying or not, over the age of 18 have a criminal record;
  • Have unresolved custody or child support disputes affecting any member of their family; and/or
  • Have intentionally misrepresented themselves in their application.

Ineligible Businesses

  • Property rental, investment, and leasing activities;
  • Real estate construction/development/brokerage, insurance brokerage, or business brokerage;
  • Professional services or self-employed business operators requiring licensing or accreditation;
  • A payday loan, cheque cashing, money-changing, and cash machines;
  • Credit unions;
  • Home-based businesses, including bed-and-breakfasts and lodging houses;
  • Co-operatives; and
  • Investments into a business operated primarily for the purposes of deriving passive investment income.
  • A business located in a multi-business retail/condo/location/project or business incubator that is not completed/operational, and/or is targeted or dependant on investment or business operations by SINP entrepreneurs for the development, completion, or ongoing operation of the project.

What are the important documents required?

Once the applicant receives an Invitation to Apply to the Saskatchewan Entrepreneur stream, the following documents need to be submitted:

  • A financial evaluation report by a third-party designated service provider within 20 days.
  • A full application was submitted to SINP including the supporting documents and a Business Establishment Plan within 90 days.

What is the required application fee?

The applicant needs to pay a non-refundable processing fee of 2,500 CAD for the Saskatchewan Entrepreneur stream.

What shall be the estimated processing time of the application?

As per the latest estimates from January 1 to March 31, 2021, an entrepreneur stream application is processed by the SINP within:

Once the candidate submits the complete application and a third-party verification report to the SINP, he shall be issued an Approval Letter and a Temporary Work Permit Support Letter. Nearly 14 weeks is then taken for the issuance of the Provincial Nomination.

What is the Step-by-Step process of applying to the Saskatchewan Entrepreneur Stream?

Step 1: Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI)

The first step is to indicate an Expression of Interest to work and reside in the province of Saskatchewan by establishing a business there. The candidate needs to submit all the relevant and required details like entrepreneurial experience, investment to be made, net worth of the entrepreneur, a business establishment plan. 

The approved candidates who meet the minimum eligibility requirements then shall be accepted into the EOI pool along with other candidates where they are evaluated ranked according to the score-driven point system.

Step 2: Receive an Invitation to Apply

The selected candidates out of the EOI pool are then issued an Invitation to Apply. The top-ranking candidates, based on their evaluation score are given priority for the selection of a formal invite to apply. The next step in the process is to go through the verification process. The candidate then has 20 days to pay a non-refundable fee of $2500 CAD. Then the submit all the supporting documents and a Business Establishment Plan within 90 days. Also, a third-party verification report within 180 days after receiving the invitation to apply.

Step 3: Assessment and Interview

The candidate then has to undergo an interview through video conferencing. The candidate himself has to pay for the interview as the SINP does not bear the interview costs.

Step 4: Sign the Business Performance Agreement

If the interview is processed successfully, the applicant is to sign a Business Performance Agreement. It is a legal document signed by the applicant as per the Government of Saskatchewan and must be submitted within 30 days after successfully completing the process of interview. The BPA contains information like the amount of investment, various timelines of business operation, the number and types of jobs are claimed to be created for Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada, and other mandatory business milestones.


Step 5: Receive a Temporary Work Permit (TWP)

The applicant then receives an Approval Letter from SINP Entrepreneur and then applies for a Temporary Work Permit. The TWP allows the entrepreneur to work in Saskatchewan for a period of 2 years while implementing his or her business proposal. After the applicant’s arrival in Canada, he needs to attend a meeting in the province of Saskatchewan within 18 months of receiving the SINP Entrepreneur Approval Letter, or the application shall be permanently closed.

Step 6:  Apply for the Provincial Nomination

If the applicant satisfies all the terms of the Business Performance Agreement, he/she can apply to be nominated by the SINP. In order to pass this, the candidate needs to transfer the required funds in Canada, maintain all the legal requirements and operate the proposed business according to the BPA for a minimum period of 6 months.

Step 7: Apply for a Permanent Residence

Once the candidate has complied with all the conditions mentioned in the BPA and is granted a provincial nomination by Saskatchewan, the final step is to apply for permanent residence to IRCC within 6 months of receiving the provincial nomination.

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