Back-to-back draws held on a single day by SINP!

Back-to-back draws held on a single day by SINP!

Surya Rathee Surya Rathee
[Published 08 Sep, 2022 | 05:35 AM]
About Author - 16 min read

On September 6, Saskatchewan conducted back-to-back Expression of Interest (EOI) draws on a single day – issuing a total of 760 invitations across Express Entry and Occupation in-demand candidates. 

The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) limits the selection of EOIs by in-demand occupations so that potential candidates are selected – and that nominations do not exceed employment demand. 

The size and frequency of the Expression of Interest (EOI) selection are determined by the SINP’s application backlog at that time. SINP draws are usually held on a bi-monthly basis – with some exceptions. The dates of the selections will not be posted before they take place.

Check Your Express Entry Eligibility

Here are the details of the two SINP Expression of Interest selection draws held on September 6. 

Draw 1

  • Express Entry

159 invitations were issued from the Express Entry with specific NOC codes, with a minimum score of 69. Invited candidates had Educational Credential Assessment (ECA). Not all occupations were selected. 

  • Occupation in-demand

218 invitations were issued from the Occupation in-demand with specific NOC codes, with a minimum score of 69. Invited candidates had Educational Credential Assessment (ECA). Not all occupations were selected. 

Inviting a total of 377 candidates, the occupations eligible for the EOI selection in this SINP draw for both Express Entry and Occupation in-demand candidates, have the following NOC codes:

0621 - Retail and wholesale trade managers

0631 - Restaurant and food service managers

0632 - Accommodation service managers

0711 - Construction managers

2171 - Information systems analysts and consultants

2234 - Construction estimators

2281 - Computer network technicians

2282 - User support technicians

3237 - Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment

6211 - Retail sales supervisors

6221 - Technical sales specialists - wholesale trade

6312 - Executive housekeepers

7305 - Supervisors, motor transport, and other ground transit operators

8252 - Agricultural service contractors, farm supervisors, and specialized livestock workers

Draw 2

  • Express Entry

143 invitations were issued from the Express Entry with specific NOC codes, with a minimum score of 60. Invited candidates had Educational Credential Assessment (ECA). Not all occupations were selected. 

  • Occupation in-demand

240 invitations were issued from the Occupation in-demand with specific NOC codes, with a minimum score of 60. Invited candidates had Educational Credential Assessment (ECA). Not all occupations were selected. 

Inviting a total of 383 candidates, the occupations eligible for the EOI selection in this SINP draw for both Express Entry and Occupation in-demand candidates, have the following NOC codes:

2263 - Inspectors in public and environmental health and occupational health and safety

3143 - Occupational therapists

3211 - Medical laboratory technologists

3212 - Medical laboratory technicians and pathologists' assistants

3214 - Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists, and cardiopulmonary technologists

3215 - Medical radiation technologists

3216 - Medical sonographers

3219 - Other medical technologists and technicians (except dental health)

3234 - Paramedical occupations

4151 - Psychologists

Check Your Eligibility for SINP Occupations

How does the SINP work?

Launched back in 1998, the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) is designed to help address economic and labor market shortages through immigration to the province. 

The provincial government offers four key streams to its aspiring immigrants from across the world.

  • International Skilled Worker Category.
  • Saskatchewan Experience Category.
  • Entrepreneur and Farm Category.
  • International Graduate Entrepreneur Category.

Candidates are ranked based on the information provided to them while creating a SINP profile. The highest-scoring candidates are invited to apply to the SINP. 

Having a job offer in an in-demand occupation in Saskatchewan drastically increases your chances of qualifying under the SINP. 

As per the eligibility criteria of the Saskatchewan PNP, if your occupation is not on the in-demand list – you can face certain challenges submitting your profile. 

But don’t get disheartened, most of the codes are present in Saskatchewan’s in-demand occupation list. The province is facing drastic labor market shortages across almost every sector. The province keeps on updating its list every now and then.

You can either:

  • Wait till Saskatchewan province changes its NOC list or,
  • Apply for a NOC that is similar to your occupation.

The key thing is the job duties. The organizational designations are interchangeable. Match the duties in the NOC to the duties outlined in your job description and use that NOC.


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