Express Entry Draw invites 7,000 candidates from French Language category

Express Entry Draw invites 7,000 candidates from French Language category

Surya Rathee Surya Rathee
[Published 02 Feb, 2024 | 04:51 AM]
About Author - 3 min read

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has invited 7,000 candidates in a new Express Entry draw on February 01, 2024. Candidates with French Language Proficiency and a minimum CRS score of 365 were eligible for an Invitation to Apply (ITA).

This was the first category-based Express Entry draw of 2024.

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Express Entry Draw #282 - Results

Type of Draw: French Language Proficiency (2023-1)

  • Number of invitations issued: 7,000
  • Rank required to be invited to apply: 7,000 or above
  • Date and time of round: February 01, 2024 at 16:36:01 UTC
  • CRS score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 365
  • Tie-breaking rule: September 08, 2023 at 09:47:27 UTC

If more than one candidate that was invited, has the lowest CRS score, the cut-off is based on the date and time they had submitted their Express Entry profile.

Invitations to apply to the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP), Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP), Canadian Experience Class (CEC), and Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) may be issued through this latest draw.

Today’s draw marks the second draw of the week. Yesterday, on January 31, 2024, IRCC invited 730 candidates across an All-program Express Entry draw. So far in 2024, IRCC has conducted four Express Entry draws.

French Language Proficiency category

To be eligible under the French-Language Proficiency category, candidates must:

  • Have French-language test results that show a minimum score of 7 in all 4 language abilities on the Niveaux De Compétence Linguistique Canadiens.
  • Meet all of the requirements in the instructions for that invitation round.

As compared to the other five newly announced selection categories for Express Entry, French-Language Proficiency is the only one that does not consider work experience as the key attribute to be invited to apply for Canada PR visa.

Previous French Language Proficiency category draws

Draw No. Date
No. of ITAs
Minimum CRS
273 December 7, 2023 1,000 470
270 October 25, 2023 300 486
266 September 27, 2023 500 472
260 August 2, 2023 800 435
258 July 12, 2023 3,800 375
256 July 7, 2023 2,300 439

By prioritizing the invitations to French-speaking candidates, IRCC aims to support the growth of Francophone immigration outside Quebec - while recognizing how it enriches and strengthens these communities.

According to the latest Canada Immigration Levels Plan 2024-2026, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is looking to welcome 31,500 French-speaking permanent residents (PRs) in 2025 and 36,000 newcomers under the same category in 2026. 

Stay tuned for more Canada Immigration News.

Read More: Category-based selection draws for Express Entry



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